Antonio Vega – El sitio de mi recreo
Donde nos llevó la imaginación, Where we were brought by our imagination,
donde con los ojos cerrados Where you can see unending fields
se divisan infinitos campos. With your eyes closed.
Donde se creó la primera luz Where the first light was originated
junto a la semilla de cielo azul next to the seed of a blue sky
volveré a ese lugar donde nací. I’ll be back to that place where I was born.
De sol, espiga y deseo Made of sun, cereal’s ear and desire
son sus manos en mi pelo, are her hands in my hair,
de nieve, huracán y abismos, made of snow, hurricane and abysses,
el sitio de mi recreo. The place of my joy.
Viento que a su murmullo parece hablar Wind which seems to be talking to his own whisper
mueve el mundo con gracia, la ves bailar gracefully moves the World, you see her dancing,
y con él, el escenario de mi hogar. And with him is the site of my home.
Mar, bandeja de plata, mar infernal Sea, silver plate, infernal sea,
es su temperamento natural, that is her natural temper
poco o nada cuesta ser uno más. It doesn’t take much to be just one more.
De sol, espiga y deseo...
Silencio, brisa y cordura Silence, breeze and good sense
dan aliento a mi locura, breath life into my madness,
hay nieve, hay fuego, hay deseo, there is snow, fire, there is desire,
ahí donde me recreo. There where I have joy.
Antonio Vega – El sitio de mi recreo
Donde nos ___________ la imaginación, Where we were brought by our imagination,
donde con los ojos cerrados Where you can see unending fields
se divisan infinitos campos. With your eyes closed.
Donde se ____________ la primera luz Where the first light was originated
junto a la semilla de cielo azul next to the seed of a blue sky
volveré a ese lugar donde __________. I’ll be back to that place where I was born.
De sol, espiga y deseo Made of sun, cereal’s ear and desire
son sus manos en mi pelo, are her hands in my hair,
de nieve, huracán y abismos, made of snow, hurricane and abysses,
el sitio de mi recreo. The place of my joy.
Viento que a su murmullo parece ________ Wind which seems to be talking to his own whisper
mueve el mundo con gracia, la ves _______, gracefully moves the World, you see her dancing,
y con él, el escenario de mi hogar. And with him is the site of my home.
________, bandeja de plata, mar infernal Sea, silver plate, infernal sea,
es su temperamento natural, that is her natural temper
poco o nada cuesta ser __________ más. It doesn’t take much to be just one more.
De sol, espiga y deseo...
Silencio, brisa y cordura Silence, breeze and good sense
dan aliento a mi locura, breath life into my madness,
hay nieve, hay fuego, hay deseo, there is snow, fire, there is desire,
ahí donde me recreo. There where I have joy.
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